How to Handle the Stress of Inflation

Practicing Self Care During an Economic Recession
Money, and not having enough of it, has always been an overwhelmingly common cause of stress and anxiety in so many lives. The cost of almost everything on the continual rise and it has a lot of people concerned about where the future is headed. So what do we do to take care of ourselves when were in the midst of an economic recession? If you find yourself a little extra stressed because of the current gas prices, follow these steps to guide yourself toward a little bit more inner peace and financial optimism.
Keep calm and carry on
We all know that feeling – your heart rate picks up, it’s getting hard to breathe normally, and you’re a little sweaty all of the sudden. When this occurs, our body is entering our natural “fight or flight” response, which is that little jolt of energy we get when we need to run away quickly or stay and fight the problem. It’s a normal response to feeling threatened, however remaining in this state for too long can be damaging to your health.
Put your mind elsewhere
We know it can sometimes feel a little awkward or uncomfortable, but activities like breathing exercises, muscle relaxations, meditations, and journaling are all great fast-acting stress relievers that are simple and can be done just about anywhere at any time. These are great ways to take your mind off of life stressors, such as worrying if whether or not the bills are going to be paid on time this month.
Take a break
There is no better way to break away from stressful thoughts than by walking away and returning to them later with a relaxed mind and fresh outlook. Many people don’t know how to take breaks from their stressors, especially when it comes to finances. They tend to dwell on the issue and remain in a constant state of stress. Doing fun activities with family and friends, enjoying your favorite hobbies, or even watching some funny TV can get you into a better frame of mind than you were stuck in.
Learn something new
Distance yourself from stressful and intrusive thoughts by teaching yourself a new skill. I’m sure there are endless YouTube search opportunities just waiting for you. Learn how to play and instrument, teach yourself a language, brush up on your gourmet cooking — just do something, anything, that is fun, enjoyable, and educational. Dedicate that brain power to creating, not stressing!
Find a side gig!
Doing something you love in your free time AND getting paid for it? We’re in! If you can make a few extra bucks per week doing something you enjoy, well isn’t that just the best of both worlds? Start an Etsy shop, sell your paintings at the farmers market, walk the neighborhood dogs, put out a tip jar and play your guitar at the local shops, collect your pennies! There are endless ways of making and saving extra money — sometimes it just takes a little brainstorming and creativity.
An overwhelming amount of stress can cause a real sense of hopelessness, so it’s important to find something you really enjoy and stick with it. We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of putting ourselves first when experiencing a crisis. Keeping a positive attitude and mindset is the key component to achieving our goals and looking ahead toward a brighter future.