A Bright Benji

Morning y’all! Can you believe it?! The long grey days are fading and the golden tennis ball in the sky is coming out more and more! Don’t get me wrong, I think playing in the snow and getting muddy in the rain is a ton of fun but the feeling of those bright rays cannot be beat! No more doggo coat for the dog park! What could be better?!
I used to be more of a shut-in pup that liked darker spots. I’d curl up behind the couch and lounge under the table (scraps may or may not have been involved). I liked my alone time but my Mom was NOT about to let me shrivel up in the dark, so we started walking the open rolling green hills. I begrudgingly followed, dragging my tail along the way at first. It didn’t take many sunny walks to show me the lighter side of things.
Now, I willingly sleep in front of an open window so I can catch the first ray in the morning! It’s a warmth that goes right through my fur and down to my very soul. Sometimes on walks I like to find green patches of grass and just roll all over until I am one dizzy doggo.
On the next sunny day we have, go outside and roll in the rays!
Okay, that may be a bit extreme for a human, BUT finding a good bench in the park or laying out a blanket in the grass might be just what you need!
Well, I think it’s time to step out into the day for another walk. I’ll catch y’all in the sun!
Your Tan Pup,
P.S. Want more pawsome self-care tips? Go to www.selfcaretips.org/freeguide and get your FREE self-care guide, packed with mindful journaling prompts and daily progress logs, inspired by Benji himself! You won’t be disappointed! It’s never too late to put yourself first.
Written by Mark A. Smithson