Benji in Quarantine

Quality Time and Cherishing Moments
Hi everyone! It’s Benji here barking at you from 6 feet away! Lately things have been getting pretty crazy with the Coronovirus. Companies are closing, we all have to practice social distancing, and everyday there are bright grey news articles everywhere. Even your ‘ol pal Benji has had to stop going into the office. Although it’s a stressful time, one thing has been great. I am home all day with Miss Annalisa and lil Rivlet doesn’t have to go to school!
Yes, all of our live have been put on hold but I’m here with my family.
At first, we were going stir crazy. Just last week I spent a whole afternoon chasing my tail (I’ll catch it one of these days). After it all started to settle in, we realized this was a great opportunity for ourselves and each other. We started going on lots more walks and more meals became homecooked instead of delivered by the magic pizza box man. Sometimes we use some afternoons to play games together and tell stories. Since we have all this time together, we might as well make it quality time!
Although it’s been great spending all this time together, we still need our me times. For me, I’ve been taking time to find out how much stuffing is in my toys. I’ve been eyeing up this one grey giraffe that I’ve been meaning to rip a new one and now I have the time! Miss Annalisa has dived into a good book that’s been sitting on her shelf for a while and lil Rivlet is showing us all what a talented artist she is! Even though we are all in the same house, we all have things to dive into when we need a little alone time.
So even though it’s been stressful lately and we have to stay home, let’s find moments to cherish. It’s easy to get caught up in life and have the days turn into months. Now we have the time to appreciate the people around us (from a distance) and to sink ourselves into a hobby or project. This is a trying time but if we focus on our loved ones as well as our own needs, we’ll get through it together.
OOOOH, MISS ANNALISA JUST GRABBED THE LEASH! Looks like it’s time for the 4th walk of the day! I gotta go, stay safe out there and remember to wash your paws!
Yours truly from quarantine…
Benji, Therapy Doggo
Written by Mark A. Smithson