Benji Takes a Field Trip

OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! Do you know what we’re doing today?! It’s dog park day! A wonderful day where this ‘ol pup can jump, play, and sniff butts – don’t judge, it’s how we make friends! I always have a ball (BALL?! WHERE?!) meeting all sorts of happy pups from all walks of life.
Last time, I met a lovely collie and a wonderful seeing-eye dog! Two of the greatest fetchers if I ever knew any, and everyone just laughed and laughed as we ran in circles and rolled around in the grass. If it sounds too good to be true, go check it out for yourselves. I’m sure if you do a quick search, you’ll find a doggo park around and you won’t regret it. You’ll see the finest bunch of bestest boys and girls you’ve ever seen; it really does lift the spirit and wag the tail!
Who knows? Maybe you’ll make a friend or two and get to toss a stick around! We doggos always are up for a game of STICK!!! (with the owner’s permission of course).
So, take a field trip to an actual field – a frolicking field where the doggos run free!
Experience their playful spirits and the joys of living in the moment. You may learn more from us panting pups than you’d expect!
OH! OH BOY! I hear the unmistakable jingle of a certain leash! Time to go get my play on! I’ll bark at ya’ll down at the park!
Your Playful Tail Chaser,
P.S. Want more pawsome self-care tips? Go to and get your FREE self-care guide, packed with mindful journaling prompts and daily progress logs, inspired by Benji himself! You won’t be disappointed! It’s never too late to put yourself first.
Written by Mark A. Smithson