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  • Finding an Animal-Assisted Therapist: A Step-by-Step Guide

    The animal-assisted therapy industry is growing but is still relatively small as of early 2025. Fewer than 400 businesses offer this unique type of therapy.

    If you’re interested in finding an animal-assisted therapist, this might make your options few and far between. Still, you shouldn’t let that stop you from searching for one.

    Check out our step-by-step guide for locating a mental health specialist who works closely with trained animals below.

    Step 1: List the Available Options

    If you’ve tried to treat mental health issues like anxiety or depression with other types of therapy and seen little to no results, it’s time to give a new kind a try. Finding an animal-assisted therapist in your area will allow you to do it.

    But first, you must generate a list of therapists who treat patients with help from dogs, rabbits, etc. Google “animal-assisted therapists near me” and jot down the names of the options that appear.

    Although there aren’t many therapists offering these services yet, you might be surprised to see how many are in your vicinity.

    Step 2: Set Up Interviews With Therapists

    Once you have a long list of options, visit the websites of different animal-assisted therapists to see what each brings to the table. While you’re on their sites, find out:

    • How much experience they have

    • Which services they offer

    • Where their offices are

    • Whether they have availability

    This may help you start eliminating a few names from your original list. If, for example, you notice that certain therapists only offer services that don’t apply to your specific mental health condition, it’s reason enough to remove them from the running.

    From there, begin reaching out to the options remaining on your list and setting up interviews with each one. This will allow you to narrow down your choices even further.

    Step 3: Ask Therapists the Right Questions

    When interviewing therapists, make sure you pose the proper questions. Some examples should include:

    • How long have you been working as a therapist?

    • Which mental health conditions do you treat?

    • What kinds of animals do you incorporate into sessions?

    • How exactly do they assist you in treating patients?

    • What are the benefits of your services?

    At the end of the interview process, one therapist should distinguish themselves from all the rest. This will be the one with whom you share the strongest connection.

    Looking for an Experienced Animal-Assisted Therapist? Give Us a Call Today

    Finding an animal-assisted therapist will take some work on your part. However, it will be well worth it when you’re left with a licensed therapist capable of offering you services with assistance from a trained dog, rabbit, or other animal.

    Unleashed Counseling is an excellent option for those searching for a therapist in Pottstown, PA, or one of the surrounding areas. We will extend the support you need and promote healing throughout your therapy journey.

    Call us at 4484) 933-4370 today to discuss your therapeutic needs with a certified mental health specialist.