Junk in Benji’s Trunk!

Hey there, hi there everyone! Sorry for the state of the room, you caught me in the middle of clean-up time. I was just getting to the worst spot of all – just across from my toy box. I know…I know, it’s no good to have cotton fluff and fray from dozens of toys strewn all over the place.
I can’t help it. Usually I just come home, pick something out of the box, and go to my spot to shred. I don’t always pick up my mess right away. I mean, maybe I’ll come back to it or I just wanna remember all the good gnawing times! Sooner or later, I have to face the facts. I need to make time to clean up.
Sometimes I get reluctant or I just tell myself I’m too tired…but it doesn’t feel as nice lying down in my slobbered-up messes from the previous nights. So, it’s to the trash can (and not to tear it apart… this time)!
After just a little time, I can finally see the floor! The carpet feels good and there’s a fresh canvas to spread the fluff and treat crumbs around! Finding the motivation is the challenge but the reward is definitely worth it.
Take a look at your spot, the one where you feel content and comfortable. Is it how you like it? Is it clean? Who knows, maybe that sewing room or garage could have a quick once over.
Spend some time decluttering your favorite space.
A little time now could lead to many more comfortable hours later!
Speaking of cleaning up spots, mine is about done. I think it’s time to rip the squeaker outta this chewy toy to celebrate! I’ll bark at y’all later!
Your Pristinely Clean Pup,
P.S. Want more pawsome self-care tips? Go to www.selfcaretips.org/freeguide and get your FREE self-care guide, packed with mindful journaling prompts and daily progress logs, inspired by Benji himself! You won’t be disappointed! It’s never too late to put yourself first.
Written by Mark A. Smithson