Muscle-Head Mutts

And one…And two…And three…And one…And two…
What’s up ya’ll? Good to see you again! I’ll be with you as soon as I finish this set. And three…And one…And two…And three…
Phew, sorry about that! I had to finish up my dog-gone grinning exercises for the day. It really gets the blood pumping in the cheeks and firms them right up! Oh, and what do I need a mirror for, you ask?
Well to see my pearly whites, of course! You’ve got to have a mirror for smiling exercises, how else will you be able to see your progress?!
I found myself doing smiling exercises as a joke (turns out Youtube can lead to some funny places at midnight…). When I ran through a couple as a gag, I found that I really was smiling! So I tried it again the next night, and then the night after. Before I knew it, it was a part of my routine. Even on days when I am feeling super down, I still do it. In fact, those are the days when it helps the best.
You should hop on Youtube and try it. It just takes a quick search and the exercises are super short!
Everyone has an award-winning smile and what’s the harm in stretching that grin from ear to ear?
Well, I’ve got to get back to it. All this grinnin’ and gabbin’ has me ready to lay down for the night. PS – Don’t forget to do an extra set of corner curls!
Your Grinning Goofball,
P.S. Want more pawsome self-care tips? Go to and get your FREE self-care guide, packed with mindful journaling prompts and daily progress logs, inspired by Benji himself! You won’t be disappointed! It’s never too late to put yourself first.
Written by Mark A. Smithson